Tuesday, July 30, 2013

iTranslate Voice

iTranlate Voice is a way to instantly speak another language voice to voice. This app is very easy to use. There are 36 languages to accommadate any culture of student you may have in your classroom. Once downloaded, all you do is click the record button for English and it will translate it into whatever language you choose or vice versa. I find this app very helpful for my Spanish speaking parents. I have had several parents to not speak English and this app is very quick and easy to pull out to help. We had registration at school this week and this app was used quite often. Check it out!



  1. This is a great find! It would be great to use in a history class to help students get a better feel for the country they are studying.
    My friend does a whole unit on France and I know she would love this because the students in her school take Spanish as their foreign language so most of them are unfamiliar with French! Thank you!

  2. This seems like a great App! I can find ways to use this in my classroom and even with my colleagues. I have a new Hebrew partner this year, and she speaks very little English, so this may come in handy. Thanks for sharing!

  3. It's so great that there are so many apps out now that can help with translation. I had never taught at a school with many ELL students until last year. We had lots of refugees from other countries and it was hard communicating with them and their families. I have an app on my iphone that does this same thing. I will check this one out too!

  4. This is a great app. I am going to use this in my class this year as we will be working with students in different countries. This is really going to help with the language barrier that we will face. Thanks for the suggestion!!!
